In this episode, Mike and Alicia keep diving into the complex relationship of man and woman in marriage. It is vitally important that we keep in mind that we need to act according to our nature to have a successful, peaceful marriage! Part of this is realizing that there is a dance that happens between spouses - that is the giving and receiving. So what some fundamentalists may call “headship” we would say this is really men giving to their wives and families because this is what enables them to receive. What others may call “submission” we would say is really women receiving from their husbands in order to give. This is where the idea of “mutual submission” comes from. Both men and women are called to give and receive, but it is in a different order.
Listen in and send us your questions! We would love to tackle them in a future episode!
The Fall broke the unity between husband and wife and made them distrust each other. Adam was passive and Eve took the initiative. This was disordered.
Jesus elevated marriage to a sacrament and called us all to something greater. To a supernatural call that only He can give us the grace to accomplish.
Both husband and wife are called to give and to receive, but the order is reversed. Men are called to GIVE in order to RECIEVE. Women must RECIEVE in order to GIVE. This is the difference between leadership and submission.
Husbands need to learn to receive from their wives, and wives need to learn how to give from their husbands.
What does our “dance” look like in our home? How to be operate when we make decisions? When we run the family?
How easy is it for him to give first in our home? How can we both support that initiative?
Are there areas in which he is receiving without giving?
Are there areas in which she is giving without first receiving?
Fr. John Riccardo on Ephesians 5 and Marriage
MFP 181 The Role of a Submissive Wife
Role of a Husband Blog
MFP 186: Role of a Catholic Husband